Espaço Plural - PPGADT/DOUTORADO - Artigos de periódicos

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    Ambiente virtual de integração entre a educação a distância e as bibliotecas universitárias das instituições participantes da Universidade Aberta do Brasil
    (2024-06-28) Silva, Ana Paula Lopes da; Ramos, Jorge Luis Cavalcanti; Duarte, Francisco Ricardo; Rodrigues, Kátia de Oliveira;;;;;;;;
    The development of Distance Education in Higher Education Institutions requires a series of adaptations to this educational modality, which also affects university libraries as information support units for teaching, research and extension. Distance learning becomes the target audience of these units, requiring products and services, especially technological ones, to support the teaching-learning process. Objective: To identify actions aimed at providing environments/platforms for distance learning services in libraries of institutions that are part of the Open University of Brazil. Methodology: This is a descriptive study with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The institutions were consulted through the SisUAB system, and data were collected by applying an online questionnaire with library managers of these institutions. Results: It can be seen that out of the 76 responding institutions, only three identified integration actions through an environment/platform for distance learning, and the service to this public is mostly centered on making virtual libraries and databases available. What stands out is the professionals' view that there is no need for differentiated services for distance and face-to-face audiences, with the maxim that all services are available to all audiences. Conclusion: The initiatives are few in relation to the universe of institutions investigated, so that actions to mitigate this information gap need to be increased and made more effective.
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    Aprendizados e desafios às experiências brasileiras em transição agroecológica: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
    (2024-09-06) Alves, Renato Marques; Souza, Nilo Ramos Moreira de; Freitas, Helder Ribeiro; Marinho, Cristiane Moraes; Duarte, Francisco Ricardo; Oliveira, Lúcia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de;;;;; 0000-0002-0588-1797
    The technical-scientific literature records two styles of agriculture, family-based and industrial. However, the industrial agriculture model is predominant in society and is strongly associated with the neoliberal economic school of thought whose reference is exogenous development, the concentration of capital and productive means such as green revolution technologies and the practice of intensive monoculture. The consequences of this hegemonic model include the worsening of social inequality in the countryside, the growth of food insecurity and risks to the environment and climate. The agroecological transition is a gradual movement carried out by family farmers in conjunction with the socio-technical networks present in communities to oppose and stop industrial agriculture. However, the agroecological transition is a complex task. Hence the question: how are the challenges faced in Brazilian experiences on agroecological transition resolved/overcome to promote agroecology? Thus, the objective of the article was to carry out a systematic review of the literature to map the challenges and how they have been resolved or overcome by family farmers. The results indicate that obstacles/blockages in organic production and in the construction of food markets are being overcome by improving multifunctional capacity in family farming.
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    Interface entre vulnerabilidade e desenvolvimento: prosperidade social na RIDE Petrolina-Juazeiro
    (2023-11-19) Almeida, Raniere de Carvalho; Silva, Ana Paula Lopes da; Coelho, Ana Carla Mendes; Ramos, Jorge Luís Cavalcante; Oliveira, Adelson Dias de; Pacheco, Clécia Simone Gonçalves Rosa;;;;;;
    Social vulnerability and human development are indicators related to the socioeconomic, political and environmental field, capable of characterizing the level of social prosperity of a population in a given context, unveiling evils and at the same time subsidizing the planning of policies that will favor the well-being of the collectivity. In this sense, the study aims, from the discussion of the interface between the Social Vulnerability Index (IVS) and the Human Development Index (HDI), to analyze the level of social prosperity of RIDE – Petrolina/Juazeiro. As a methodological procedure, this work uses bibliographic-documentary research, starting with the collection of data in virtual and institutional databases such as IPEA (Atlas of Social Vulnerability/Atlas Brazil) and IBGE, and analyzing specific indicators with basic descriptive statistics and the support of RStudio and LibreOffice Calc software. Its results bring important reflections on the role of public policies and their management, aiming at the reduction of social inequalities. It was found that its level of prosperity was very low in 2000, becoming medium after a decade (2010), based on the reduction of the IVS and the growth of the IDHM.
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    Information curation in agroecology and territorial development: protocols for the management of digital collections
    (2024-01-31) Alves, Renato Marques; Duarte, Francisco Ricardo; Oliveira, Lúcia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de; Ramos, Ricardo Argenton
    With the advancement of digital communication technologies, the need for protocols to establish governance, rules, or procedures in information network relationships arose. The protocols for the management and dissemination of digital collections follow procedures from Information Science, Open Scientific Communication, and Computing. In the context of this work that investigates the formation of an associative network between three universities to execute a Postgraduate Program in Agroecology and Territorial Development (PPGADT), the previous diagnosis identified decentralized flows for collection, storage, treatment, and dissemination of academic production; growth of online publications; and their dispersion across different storage devices, increasing the risk of loss of institutional memory. From this perspective, this study aimed to review the literature to analyze the current theoretical approaches to support the construction of a knowledge dissemination protocol in the PPGADT network. The conducting method was bibliographical research. The results point to the relevance of knowledge about agroecology and territorial development for the dynamism of the economy, public policies on territorial impact, sustainability, and strengthening of the identity of rural producers. It is concluded that the multi-institutional collections network is one of the strategies for integrating and disseminating networked knowledge in the domain analyzed here.
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    Categorização da agricultura familiar nas políticas públicas de profissionalização no Brasil
    (2023-12-01) Alves, Renato Marques; Santos, Júlio José Torres dos; Dourado, Tábata Figueiredo; Vieira, Denes Dantas; Duarte, Francisco Ricardo; Oliveira, Lúcia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de; Santos, Marcelo Henrique Pereira dos
    The present article aimed to analyze peasant family farming, through concepts present in the various policies of Brazilian professionalization and development prospects for the countryside within the scope of the Federal Government, in the period 2003 to 2022. However, first we present the concepts and historical milestones pertinent to the professional education of the field. Next, there is a theoretical debate about the evolution of the concepts of peasantry and family agriculture, starting from the theoretical bases of Abramovay (1992), Wanderley (1998), Lipton (1968), Santos (1978) and Martins (1975). The research was conducted using the systematic literature review method. The results present the policies and professionalization programs for the field workers; they raise questions about the professional qualification aimed at the rural population that subordinates the peasant tradition to the capitalist production model; and the demands of the youth and youth category in the field complain of discontinuity and short duration in professional training. It is concluded from the literature survey that the public policies and programs created by the Brazilian government boosted productive activities and income generation, but submitting these rural workers to the logic of agribusiness as a proposed governance model for the economic development of the country.
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    Plano Diretor Participativo do Município de Petrolina e Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS): um diálogo necessário para o desenvolvimento territorial sustentável
    (2023-10-31) Oliveira, Lúcia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de; Coelho, Ana Carla Mendes; Silva, Ana Paula Lopes da; Oliveira, Luciana Souza de; Alves, Renato Marques
    This paper aims to analyze the Participatory Manager Plan of the Petrolina's Municipality as a local development policy, and its dialogue with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) present in the 2030 Agenda with a view to achieving sustainable territorial development. Through a qualitative bibliographical study and document analysis, it was possible to understand and identify convergences of the themes of sustainable development and territorial development policies, as well as crossings of the SDGs and proposals of the analyzed Manager Plan. It was evidenced that, of the 17 (seventeen) objectives agreed upon in the 2030 Agenda, 13 (thirteen) are included in the drafting of the Master Plan, although, by the analysis of the Sustainable Development Index of Cities - Brazil (IDSC-BR), only 2 (two) were fully achieved. The study revealed that most SDGs are present in the Municipality management planning, but have not been effectively implemented at the municipal level. In this perspective, it will be necessary to deepen this dialogue between the Manager Plan of the Municipality and practical actions for the effective fulfillment of the SDGs with the participation of government, civil society and private initiative.