SRB - CCINAT - TCC Graduação

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    Abordagem do tema morte nos PCN’S de ciências naturais, na BNCC, e nos livros didáticos de ciências dos anos finais do ensino fundamental adotados no município de Senhor do Bonfim - BA
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2018-11-30) Souza, Rubecleiton Silva; Pereira , Leonésia Leandro
    Death is part of life cycle of all living things. An unpredictable and certain event for all that is alive. Even though death is present in our existence, we deal with its denial, and the school contributes to that. Whereas, in childhood education, we have these realities omitted from children's tales that end in, "happily ever after" and in the end, it produces a denial behavior that can last all life long. Starting from these assumptions, and taking into account that the teacher's routine in basic education sometimes leads him to have the textbook as his only or main bibliographical reference, this research investigated how the topic death is addressed in the PCNs (National Curriculum Parameters) of natural sciences, the BNCC (Common National Curriculum Base) and in the science textbooks of the final years of basic education are used in a private and in public schools in the municipalities of Senhor do Bonfim city, state of Bahia. Using the content analysis of Bardin (2016), it came to the fact that there isn't any explicit didactic approach to death theme in science books. On the contrary, they only appear as the end of life, without explanation of their occurrence in the scientific biological or anthropological field. Even if in these books the words "death, to die, dead or they die" appear frequently. We believe that such dismissals minimise the possibilities for discussing in the school environment, undermining the social role of the school as well as the student centrality in the educational process, there is hegemony of cognition, causing detriment of affectiveness and other dimensions of human development, such as construction or formation of identities.
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    A utilização de aulas práticas no ensino de ciências no 4°ano do Ensino Fundamental das escolas públicas e privadas da zona urbana da cidade de Campo Formoso-BA
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, 2016-05-25) Souza, Caliandra Nascimento de; Menezes, Maria Cilene Freire de
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    Abandono e evasão escolar no 1º ano do ensino médio em uma escola estadual
    (2018-05-25) Macedo, Valdinei Costa de
    This article is the result of a research on the problem of dropout and dropout in high school. The purpose of this study is to analyze the reasons that led some students from the 1st year of high school to leave the school year (2016) of a state school in the city of Senhor do Bonfim-BA, as well as to identify the number of students who have escaped during this same period. The reason for which the subjects of this phase were analyzed was due to the high national dropout rate and also the high dropout rate in the 4 classes of the first year of the school. The collected data were approached in a qualitative way and obtained through an information survey done at the school office and with a semistructured questionnaire applied to 11 students who left the school year. In total, 32 students dropped out and 21 dropped out, it is noteworthy that, unlike drop-out avoidance, the student reenrolled the following year. Of the 32 students who leave only 11 to accept to participate the rest was not located or did not accept to participate. In order to base the construction of the work, we used some researches by some authors that study the factors and consequences of the problem in question, as well as what has been done within the scope of public policies and actions. The main factors found in the survey, which led to the abandonment, were imminent disapprovals and lack of interest. There were also reasons related to pregnancy and job search. It was also noted that all students evaded in 2017, and the majority who dropped out, were aged beyond the recommended grade level. It was observed from the amount of abandonment, evasions and the lag in the grade-age of the students that the school needs urgent actions in relation to the problem researched.
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    Educação ambiental e meio ambiente como temas transversais no ensino médio
    (Universidade Federal do Vale do São Fancisco, 2019-03-18) Silva, Ronaldo Carvalho da; Nascimento, Jaqueline da Silva
    The Environmental Education blended with the cross-cutting environment theme is a fundamentally important component for national education, aiming to raise awareness and promote a significant change in behavior and commitment to environmental preservation, generating the possibility of greater awareness about environmental problems , since the relationship between man and nature and the environment to which he is inserted can be greatly improved. Aiming to investigate how the discussion on environmental education in the school environment, as well as the cross-sectional environmental theme in the same environment, was used, a questionnaire was used for the high school students of the João Francisco da Silva State College and an analysis of the Pedagogical Political Project of the same. From the analysis of the data, it was possible to observe that there is still much to be done in relation to the students' sensitization, since it was evident the need to implement projects focused on the environment at the institution and that teachers need to receive scientific knowledge and continuous training to effect improvements in the development of their activities in the ambit of environmental education.