Barbosa, Kalliny Mirella Gonçalves2024-02-152024-02-152024-01-12 education in the health area requires approaches aimed at reality and the contexts in which future professionals will be inserted, requiring changes in the teaching-learning process in order to embrace new pedagogical trends that are guided by the training of a critical professional -reflective. The use of active methods, such as the problematization methodology with the Maguerez Arc, is considered a unique strategy for effective learning based on observation of reality, scientific basis and elaboration of solution hypotheses to apply to the context in which the problems were identified. This is an experience report that aimed to present the contributions of the Maguerez arc in the training of nursing graduates based on the reflection of the problems identified during their experience as users of the Unified Health System. The proposal emerged from the discipline entitled “ Management of Health Systems and Services” offered by Faculdade Uninassau de Petrolina - PE, in the period between May and June 2023. The experience based on the pedagogical proposal of the five stages of the Maguerez arc, resulted in the realistic presentation of different hypotheses of solution developed to improve the practices of nursing teams at different levels of care in the Unified Health System. Given the above, it is understood that the application of the Maguerez arc in nursing graduation is a significant methodology for academics' learning from of theoretical-practical association, enabling the expansion of their understanding of active methodologies, considering the impacts of immersion in experience for the improvement of future health professionals.porAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazilção em EnfermagemEnsinoAprendizagem Baseada em ProblemasMetodologia da problematização com o Arco de Maguerez: aplicação no processo de ensino-aprendizagem no curso de enfermagemTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso