Metodologias ativas no livro didático: uma avaliação sobre o LD de língua portuguesa e geografia adotado no PNLD 2024


This text aims to build a reflection on the importance of using Active Methodologies in Textbooks as a tool for effective teaching and learning. Therefore, this resource often becomes responsible for the failure/success of students/teachers, being allies or villains. Hereby, it will use as a corpus one of the collections of textbooks that will be used by Brazilian public schools in 2024–2027, through the National Textbook Plan – PNLD. It is worth noting that this research will emphasize Portuguese and Geography textbooks. During the research, internal information (images) of the object of study will be brought in, in order to ratify the propositions established in this work. The problem of this study aims to understand, in addition to the use of active methodologies, the space that digital technologies such as QR Codes, links and film suggestions occupy in the textbook. Based on qualitative research with a bibliographic and documentary bias, the legal documents that rule the principles of education were also examined, as the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) and the Bahia Reference Curricular Document (DCRB), which provide for the use of pedagogies that focus on the student and a digital culture. The conclusion of this study indicates that, although the new col- lection offers some suggestions for active learning, they are pragmatic and do not really follow the current student audience, who expect instant study tools and instruments and digital shortcuts that facilitate a macro understanding of social phenomena. In general, Textbooks still lack active methodologies/digital technologies that encourage scientific literacy and critical-reflective reasoning in students.



Ensino e Aprendizagem, Teaching and Learning, Geografia, Geography, Língua Portuguesa, Portuguese, Tecnologias Digitais, Digital Technologies



