Sala de aula invertida para o ensino da Educação Física: um relato de experiência

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Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco


Physical Education is a pedagogical discipline that addresses bodily expressions such as games, sports, dance, and gymnastics in the school context, forming an area of knowledge known as corporal culture. Teaching gymnastics requires the creation of stimulating learning situations for students to actively participate, such as the flipped classroom. Therefore, this study aims to describe the stages of the teaching-learning process of gymnastics in/from school through the flipped classroom and the didactic path for organizing a gymnastics festival. It is a qualitative descriptive study, a narrative of experience, experienced by an educator in the field of Physical Education during the third teaching unit of 2023, at an Integrated Technical High School located in Western Bahia. Almost unanimously, participation in the festival was characterized by joyful and enthusiastic behaviors, especially due to the integration of classes and courses in a colorful, festive, and musical space. On the other hand, some students exhibited a potential resistance to the theme, accompanied by feelings of shame and shyness. The results underscore the significance of active methodologies, such as the flipped classroom, in the context of Physical Education. Overcoming the traditional format of teaching and learning is essential, emphasizing the importance of innovative strategies to engage students more effectively. While the gymnastics festival generated overall enthusiasm, it also revealed emotional challenges for some students, emphasizing the need for sensitive and inclusive approaches in Physical Education instruction.



Metodologias Ativas, Escola, Ginástica, Sala de aula invertida


